14-855 Kehau Road #2250
Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
Office: (808) 965-8080
Fax: (808) 965-6664
Office Hours T/W/Th/F
8am - 3:45pm Saturday 10a - 2:00 pm
Pool/Park Open Mon-Sunday 8a-345p
NCA would like to start Monthly Markets last Sat of the Month. Table Fee would be $10 and would need at least 20 vendors. Produce, Plants, Arts and Crafts and Personal Items. Please contact Geri if interested 808 938 1574
Food Pantry Thurs March 27th at 11a - Wed is a Holiday!
Credit Card Payments Now Available on the Website!
General Information
Nanawale Community Association
General Board Meeting.
Call to order
Record Attendance
Minutes from 12/21/2025 Executive Meeting up for approval
New Business:
Stephen Gran ( ?)
Frank Rios ( elect to board)
Miss Kaila Kealoha ( Presentation on rebranding NCA)
Proposal from SBA
Insurance Meeting with Nolan from Step Up
Going to 40hr /week for Maintenance staff.
Time Clock
Changes in New Hires:
Eric will be full time Maintenance worker, replacing Elijah.
Elijah 2 will be hired for the Pool Attendant position Clock
Pool hours:
Mon.-Sun ( except Holidays and extreme weather)
Office open: Mon-Fri 8hrs daily and Saturday 1/2 day.
Lary to report the monthly number of users.
Replacing Nanawale Map. In Longhouse
Incident with couple (Grear ? the ones with the Container in the yard)
Instructions from Steven Strauss
Gary to send all communications and papers on this situation to Strauss.
Old Business:
Construction in Office (Michael & Peter)
Insurance for dog
Leina’ala will be the board member contact with the CPA
Peter and Josh will be driving around the subdivision to create Grids and to prioritize tasks that need to be done on a regular basis.
Bus stop ( Frank Rios)
Additional waterlines ( Gary)
Computer Jac (Sam)
All Board members to sign Member Agreements
Update on additional Water lines
Next Executive Meeting: 2/15/2025 @ 4:00 pm