14-855 Kehau Road #2250
Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
Office: (808) 965-8080
Fax: (808) 965-6664
Office Hours T/W/Th/F
8am - 3:45pm Saturday 10a - 2:00 pm
Pool/Park Open Mon-Sunday 8a-345p
NCA would like to start Monthly Markets last Sat of the Month. Table Fee would be $10 and would need at least 20 vendors. Produce, Plants, Arts and Crafts and Personal Items. Please contact Geri if interested 808 938 1574
Food Pantry Thurs March 27th at 11a - Wed is a Holiday!
Credit Card Payments Now Available on the Website!
General Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I find Nanawale Estates?
A. From Hwy 11, turn on to Hwy 130 (Kehau & Pahoa Hwy). Continue on Hwy 130 until it intersects with Hwy 132 (Kapoho-Pahoa) turn left. Proceed on Hwy 132, approximately 1 mile. Turn left onto Nanwale Blvd. The Longhouse is located at the intersection of Nanawale Blvd. and Kehau Street. Click here to see a Google Map of Nanawale Estates.
Q. Is membership in the association mandatory?
A. Yes, if you purchase property within our boundaries, you automatically become a member of the Nanawale Community Association (NCA).
Q. How do I know if property is in Nanawale Estates?
A. If you are purchasing property through a real estate company, they should provide you with all related information. You can also check with the County Planning Department or call our business office. Click here to see street map of Nanawale Estates.
Q. How much are the Association dues?
A. The annual assessment for 2021 is $104.00 per lot, due on January 31, 2021. Property owners are notified before any fee increase. We did not raise the dues due to the financial pressures the pandemic has caused.
Q. What do I need to know before building a home?
A. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) sets forth the requirements for building. Plans need to be brought to the NCA Business Office for review & approval, the builder must show proof of a building permit. The minimum square footage for a house is 880 sq. feet.
Q. Are multiple family dwellings allowed on NCA lots.
A. All lots are for single family residence purposes only.
Q. Who can use NCA facilities?
A. Any member, his or her family, guests or tenants are entitled to use all common areas, subject however, to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors. Member's wishing to use the facilities or longhouse for an event, must fill out a facility agreement form.
Q. How do I gain access to the swimming pool?
A. Your annual membership dues must be current & you will need to complete an application and return it to the NCA Longhouse. A pool card will be issued. While the pandemic is ongoing, pool use is by appointment only. Please call 965-8688 to make an appointment.
Q. Where can I find the Bylaws, CC&Rs and other Association documents?
A. Association documents can be found here or you can call the office and we will email you a copy. The office is not currently open to the public so we are unable to take walk-in requests at this time.
Q. How large are NCA Easements?
A. Easements can be calculated by measuring 5' on each side of telephone poles/wires, equaling 10' total.